David Patterson

Being seasoned in computer science and having surfed the entire software development stack, David has something to say about how it all works. He’s also well aware of the gambling industry's best practices for turning client-customer concepts into workable models. Additionally, David's zest for cryptos makes him precisely that guy whose comprehensive expertise can save you from unnecessary (and costly!) mistakes.
Core competencies & Expertise:
Information Gathering
Data Analysis & Statistics
Technology Standards & Procedures
Quality Assurance
Systematic Thinking
Hardware Architecture
Process Reengineering Techniques
Software Architecture
Analysis of Alternatives (cost/benefit)
Technical Writing
Social Implications of Technology
Technology Evaluation & Selection
Risk Management
User Orientation

Until you’re unaware of how things work, you’ll rely on chance, circumstances, or blame something else for your failures. However, I do have expertise in software development and did take part in versatile business development processes. Hence, I can help you rely on your own knowledge rather than mere luck. And ORDB encompasses brainiacs and smart-asses, doesn’t it? So, I’m in the right place.

All posts by David Patterson

Does Commerce Casino Have Slots? 

Find out whether or not you’ll be able to find the most popular games in Commerce Casino

Slot machines are highly popular with gamblers....

Pragmatic Play Provider Overview + The Best Games TESTED


A quality gambling experience also depends on the game provider you choose. The better it is, the better your gambling...

Sports Betting Smart Contract: The Pros and Cons of dApps for Gambling

Blockchain technology has revolutionized a range of industries. It has also impacted sports betting significantly and led to a massive...


Indicator of online casino popularity trends among regular players. Casino visit data is analyzed monthly using Similarweb and Semrush, with trends compared across the last two quarters. The central number shows the average number of players who visited the casino last month.

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